Employment Services
At Midwest VRS, we believe that every individual deserves a chance to succeed in the workforce. That's why we offer an array of services designed to help individuals with disabilities gain the skills and experience necessary to secure meaningful employment. With the help of our experienced team of Employment Specialists, clients can receive tailored support for their specific needs.
Are you looking for a more fulfilling career? Midwest VRS can help. Our Career Counseling services provide a comprehensive approach to finding the right career path for you. Our expert Career Coaches use a battery of assessments to identify your skills, interests, and abilities, and guide you toward developing a solid career plan that will propel you toward success.
Does your company or organization have an effective Return to Work Program? Does your company or organization have a formal accommodation process in place for its employees with disabilities?
Midwest VRS is available to assist you with a program that is tailored to fit your organization so that the answer is yes to the above questions.
Our experts have worked with major retail corporations to develop, plan and implement return to work programs.
Our company provides vocational assessments, evaluations and expert testimony in various legal settings such as Social Security Disability cases, Family Law, and Personal Injury cases. Our Vocational Experts can help determine if there is appropriate employment available by analyzing the individuals education, skills and abilities. We are also able to assess an individuals earning capacity which evaluates their past, present and/or future income potential.

Midwest Vocational Rehabilitation Services offers a vast array of vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. We provide vocational services to veterans who have served our country and are now in need of individualized services. We discover workplace accommodations and vocational rehabilitation plans to injured workers and extend our services to the person that needs a career change and to the person who has decided to return to the world of work. We specialize in career counseling and coaching by utilizing vocational tools, assessments and evaluations to assist with career exploration and career placement. Our counselors render vocational expert opinions in cases that involve Marriage Dissolution, Social Security Disability cases and provide vocational evaluations in disability cases for veteran's TDIU.
In addition to providing rehabilitation counseling services to individuals, we also parter with local businesses and corporations to assist with ADAAA consultation and the return of their employees through the implementation of a solid Return to Work program.
Our mission is to bring a bright, new and creative world of work perspective to every client that we serve resulting in a more vocationally enriched quality of life.
Meet Our CEO
As the founder and owner of Midwest VRS, I take great pride in the services that we offer to our clients. I have a passion for people and I believe that we are all connected in this great circle of life. Each of us are endowed with special gifts and talents but the greatest gift given to man that he can return to the world is service to humanity.
Here at Midwest VRS, we strive for excellence in all that we do and we are here to enhance, empower and enrich the lives of every person that we encounter.